To gain entree into the upper-echelons of business and get the ear of the CEO and a seat at the boardroom table you have got to be able to speak their language. It means crosstraining to acquire new business skills that will not only help reinvigorate HR and make it more visible in the corporate structure, but also encourage other managers to recognize
how leading-edge personnel management can benefit all areas of business planning.

The government of Pakistan has often expressed its desire to develop a group of experienced human resource professionals who see the opportunity to turn human capital strategy into a long-term competitive advantage. This group of HR community must have sustained competence quality and have a global HR vision.

Competent human resource professionals recognize the requirements of a profession and are willing to invest in maintaining and improving their skills and knowledge while keeping up with rapidly changing times. In the face of the new complexity of HR, where new executive buyers are demanding HR solutions with business value, new ways must be found to bring professionals to high performance levels. HR professionals must be armed with a broader and deeper set of competencies, not just in HR skills but in general business and interpersonal skills and in technology.

Times have now changed, but has our thinking changed? It is hoped that a sizable budget share will go to the development of HR community in Pakistan and a significant change will be visible in the near future and the country will be launched on the road to progress and prosperity.